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Pedagogy for Expanded Interspecies Listening, Text for Envigogika: Charles University E-journal for Environmental Education, 2023

photos Sea-Water Amplification (SWA) 2022-23

The comprehensive text Pedagogy for Extended-Interspecies Listening has now been published in the peer-reviewed journal Envigogika (Charles University E-journal for Environmental Education ISSN 1802-3061). In the text we try to explain to the reader the starting points, based on our artistic-research practice in the field of outdoor pedagogy and listening.


Using the example of my own art-research practice, I focus on outdoor pedagogy and ecological literacy of preschool-age children not only as a teaching of “environmental” content, but above all a form of listening that seeks to create a deeper understanding of the network of human and more-than-human connections. As part of my art-research activities, I point to the development of a method of performative mapping that allows a new way of looking at subtler issues that are not available in mainstream education. In the text, I also try to point out why mainstream education supports only a narrow concept of listening, focused on the acceptance and understanding of human meanings. It follows that mainstream education is insufficiently equipped to listen to the affective and environmental dimension as a kind of vibration that is able to move all kinds of bodies. Therefore, cross-species listening needs to be expanded and cultivated in educational practice (not just for pre-school children), and to this end I propose several ways to develop this kind of listening. The text includes multiple perspectives, allowing each of us to look beyond our past experiences and learn to synchronize ourselves across many diverse time horizons.

Key words:

outdoor pedagogies, slow pedagogies, environmental education, climate change, performative mapping, deep listening, multisensory learning, interspecies communication, weather, children geographies

The text is free to read (now only in Czech language) on the website of the E-journal Envigogika or you can read it in our own graphic design: Pedagogy for Expanded Interspecies Listening.

Thanks to Jana Dlouhá (Envigogika).

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