Thinking with space-time dimension of place (IV), Open Spatial Laboratory 2025
Notes: The work arising within the Open Space Laboratory has a long-lasting character, with various groups of people and more-than-humans being able to enter it. It has the character of an open workshop – an event – testing (non)knowledge. The OSL framework represents an open process of embodied learning.
*All the works are produced in a small group together with our children (Váva 7. years & Elza 3. years) within the SWA curriculum.
The most fundamental thing about life is that it doesn’t start here or end there, but it still continues. It’s never finished because it keeps building.
Children, through this installation-object-sculpture work (later mentioned, as dwellings), try to find a satisfactory way of understanding the relationships between humans, more-than-humans, and their environment. The children call these sculptures – dwellings, also called traps. How is it possible to find out through this brief reflection of our son.
It’s a good trap,
but it can’t be done by one person
because it’s very hard
and you have to learn the loops first.
It’s also very heavy and powerful.
No waves or hurricane can carry it
because it’s very very heavy. (Váva 7. years)
Through our engagement with the world, we are working with our children to develop new ways of thinking about organisms, materials and their relationships to the environment that can form some form of new (personal) ecology that is connected and situated in a particular place.
We are discovering that the world is becoming a meaningful environment by being inhabited and shared. Human and superhuman beings are never isolated, they’re not static and they’re not known, but they only become as they keep emerging together.
Just as Shawn Wilson writes: relationships are reality, and reality is relationships. Relationships are inhabited, which is why we see these sculptures more as dwellings in which we inhabit. This perspective is apt to completely transform our relationship to our shared environment. If we see ourselves as a dwelling, only then can we build something.

photo Sea-Water Amplification (SWA) Azores Atlantic Ocean 2025